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Public alert system set to go

POMEROY–Garfield County Emergency Management Director John Hirsch, met with the Garfield County Commissioners Monday, February 10, 2020, to present the contract with AlertSense, a crisis management, public mass notification and emergency alert system. The cost for the system has been paid by contributions from most of the public service agencies in the county. It will provide a community-wide alert system that can be accessed by emergency responders as well as members of the public during a major emergency.

Citizens can receive alerts on cell phones or through social media accounts. Response teams will be able to communicate with the public of such emergencies as road closures. Anyone within a specified affected geographic area may have access to this information. In case of crisis, the system will direct call to other resource phone numbers so not to avoid overwhelm the 911 emergency system.

The Garfield County Fire Department (GCFD) Chief made the decision not to participate in the AlertSense system because the Fire District is connected to the 911 emergency system. However, the current GCFD Commissioners are considering becoming part of the new system, according to Hirsch. The commissioners approved and signed the contract, and Hirsch said that training on the new system should begin within the next week or two.

Hirsch reported that he had spoken with the Governor’s office on February 9, 2020, about the flooding experienced in this part of the state over the previous few days. They questioned why Garfield County had not experienced as much flooding and damage as some of the other counties affected. He told them that Garfield County was lucky, and did not have as much drainage from the mountains as the other areas. Although public areas were not adversely affected, Hirsch did tell them that there was damage to some private property.

Commissioner Justin Dixon added that an estimated $300,000 worth of damage occurred on Columbia Center Road. Garfield County Engineer, Grant Morgan, reported that he had spoken with Representative Mary Dye, who said that Garfield County may be included with other counties for federal emergency aid for flood damage.

Commissioner Wynne McCabe suggested that the County should consider removing trees along Pataha Creek to keep them from falling and blocking the flow of water, especially during heavy water runoff times. Hirsch said that he will continue with the assessments of damage around the county.

The County Commissioners met in an emergency meeting on February 7, 2020, to pass a Proclamation of Emergency declaring that there was “an emergency due to extreme weather conditions, and authorizing designated departments to enter into a contract or incur obligations necessary to combat such emergency to protect the health and safety of persons and property and provide emergency assistance to the victims of such disasters.” Resolution 2020-04 was approved and signed for the Proclamation.

Another topic discussed by Hirsch was a new Homeland Security grant for $18,916 which had been received, and covers September, 2019, through June, 2021. This is an increase from the previous grant. Therefore, Hirsch requested that the extra amount be used to increase his wages from $1,250 per month to $1,400 per month, to help offset his expense for health insurance. McCabe responded they could not justify increasing his wages by 12% when all other County employees received only 3% for 2020. Dixon added that he would rather see the increase in funds be used for equipment to complete projects such as the drone project for county emergency use, as mentioned in the grant contract. Hirsch agreed to keep his wages the same as in the past, at $1,250 per month.

Morgan announced the Gould City Mayview Road Phase IV construction project contract has been awarded to the lowest bidder, Scarsella Brothers, for $1,747,747.47. The company has 30 days to respond and accept the contract.

Seal Coat Aggregate Supply bids will be opened at the next meeting of the Garfield County Commissioners Tuesday, February 18, 2020, held in the board room of the Garfield County Courthouse at 9 a.m.


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