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Shaniece Korrell new Facilities Worker I

POMEROY–The Garfield County Commissioners (BOCC) approved the hiring of the new Garfield County Facilities Maintenance Worker 1 position, Shaniece Korrell, at the March 9 meeting, who started work the same day, training with Dave Watko.

BOCC discussed the “Code of the West”, an 11-page unofficial document rural living guide for newcomers explaining county services and limited funds for these services such as extreme weather road maintenance practices and what can be expected from rural neighbors. They also discussed possibly amending the current document with up-to-date information, if it should be officially adopted by the County, and distribution. The goal in making such a document available to the public is to minimize disagreements between neighbors and provide the differences between urban and rural living. It was recognized that even current residents would benefit from reviewing the “code.”

A decision to have the County Prosecutor Matt Newburg review it and make recommendations and provide a public comment period before adopting into policy. The expectation is to make it available on the County’s website, and possible distribution by the County Assessor’s office to recorded new land purchases. Several other counties in the state have adopted similar policies.

Sara Lunsford with the Garfield County Fair Board reported on the March 3 Fair Board meeting regarding the new policy for showing hogs at the County Fair. The Fair Board drafted requirements for a parent or guardian to be present with children four years old or less, while showing a hog. The new policy also makes it clear that the Fair Superintendent has the authority to make decisions at the time of showing and can exclude exhibitors if it is deemed a safety risk. The superintendent can also choose to divide up larger groups into smaller classes.

Some responses from the commissioners included Justin Dixon, who objected to the requirement of a parent or guardian to be present in the arena, stating that some parents are not as experienced with the animals as the FFA students who often assist in their place. Dixon also observed that the policy does not address the overcrowding issue. He suggested that they remove the requirement for parents and guardians, and adopt a policy that would give priority to more experienced exhibitors by limiting the number of entries, and filling the entry slots with the oldest to the youngest participants until all slots are filled.

Concerned citizen Ernie Kimble, commented that it would not be fair to those families with multiple children participating who could share pens with siblings. Commissioner Bob Johnson replied that it is simply a safety issue and added that Asotin County does not allow children under the age of five to show hogs. Johnson stated that he thought the work the Fair Board had accomplished with the new policy was good work, but reiterated that he was still against allowing children under five to show hogs because of potential injury. Commissioner Wynne McCabe added that some of the exhibitors are not “farm kids” and have very little experience with the animals. A final decision and draft of the policy remains to be made.

Regarding the upcoming retirement of County Auditor Donna Deal, Deal informed the commissioners that she had letters drafted to the Democratic Central Committee, who will submit names as candidates for appointment to fill the position.

Only one bid was received for the 2020 Seal Coat Aggregate Supply Contract, which was from Atlas Sand and Rock, for 1,700 tons of rock, in the amount of $30,192. The bid will be verified for correct information and presented for approval by the commissioners at a later date.