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Coronavirus test negative on Garfield County resident

POMEROY–The one Garfield County resident who was under quarantine at home due to exposure to a Columbia County resident who last week tested positive for the COVID-19 virus, was tested with a negative result, Garfield County Health District Administrator Martha Lanman announced at the Garfield County Commissioners’ meeting March 16.

Garfield County department heads, County employees, and Pomeroy School Superintendent Rachel Gwinn were meeting to share information about preventative measures that are being implemented.

Lanman also provided a testing protocol for any person who is presenting symptoms or is sick and wants to be tested. They should first call the hospital. If a provider decides to give a test, that person is to drive to the hospital and wait for someone to come out to their vehicle to do a test swab. They will then return home to self-quarantine until the test results are received, and will be monitored there by their health care provider, Lanman said. This will prevent any exposure to the patients in the hospital.

The Health District wants to communicate updated, accurate information and, according to Lanman, she will issue weekly public updates which will then be published in the East Washingtonian that week.

In addition, anyone can be added to the email distribution list by making a request through the Health District Office. She also cautioned people to remember to maintain confidentiality of people who may be tested or quarantined.