Your Hometown News Source

A Teen's Take

POMEROY–It has come to my attention as a high schooler and even some recent graduates, we sometimes take things for granted. What I mean is the ability to talk with another person face-to-face without distancing restrictions.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, we could talk while standing right next to each other and to keep the conversation going, we would text. Then the order to stay home and away from each other came down and personal communication stopped. At first it was kind of fun texting or messengering friends, but that became old really fast. You just don’t realize how good it feels to be able to have a face-to-face conversation with someone. It never occurred to me that “I should probably take the time to pay attention to the little things about people because over the next couple months, who knows when I’ll get to see my friends and people I used to talk to on a regular basis.”

As teens and I’m sure some people in this country, take so much for granted and don’t realize it until it is gone. I think this experience has been a good lesson on how to value each other in the moment. I like my little hometown and the wonderful people in it. I am so grateful to be a part of such a caring community.

I hope people are having fun deciding what to wear each day, while the weather changes back and forth.

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