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Senior Projects

Coaching young athletes

This year for my senior project I helped coach Little guy football. I was an assistant coach to coach Kyle Kimble. Right after my own high school practices I would stay and help with anything and everything that the coaches needed. I really enjoyed being a part of the coaching staff because I could see the change in the players attitudes and their willingness to play. I also chose this as my project because I love football. I believe this project helps benefit younger kids in our community. I wanted to see improvement from the players and that's what they showed me. They worked hard and became better versions of themselves. It was amazing to watch. My goal for the kids was to help them realize they were a team instead of by themselves and to also achieve a point where they enjoyed each other's time. I wanted to help them practice on their imperfections, so that they felt ready for their next game. After games we would talk about what we, as coaches, could do to help them improve and how they wanted to work on them in practice. I believe this project helps younger kids to develop into greater versions of themselves and gives them a chance to see what it's like being a part of a team. I learned after being a part of the team, that it's okay to lose because you always have your brothers and sisters right next to you no matter what. All it takes is good practice, a great coach, and good team effort.

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