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Phase 3 pre-plans

POMEROY-Martha Lanman, Garfield County Public Health District Administrator, (GCPH) reported to the County Commissioners (BOCC) May 26, that a total of 38 tests have been administered in Garfield County for COVID-19, and all have been negative. Garfield County still remains the only county in Washington with no cases, and is eligible to apply for a Phase 3 variance under the Governor’s Safe Start Plan, as of Friday, May 29, 2020.

Changes that Phase 3 would bring include in-home gatherings of up to six people outside of household members, restaurants serving at 75% capacity, bars opening with up to 25% capacity, and all other businesses opening. Events with more than 50 people in attendance, and nightclubs would still be prohibited.

Lanman stated that she has not received the application yet, and has no notification as to what the guidelines will be under Phase 3, nor the requirements to be prepared to qualify for the variance. She anticipates an application will be ready for the commissioners to sign by the next meeting on Monday, June 1.

Lanman asked the commissioners approve and sign a letter to the Governor’s office stating that the County fully intends to apply for a Phase 3 variance, to possibly expedite the process. It was unanimously agreed to proceed with the letter. She also said the Governor will not let you open any business without specific guidelines to follow, and expects Phase 3 will require very similar operation procedures to those in Phase 2. She warned that “we still have to be careful” and “we need to be a model to the state” for Phase 3.

Lanman also requested that the Health District be allowed to hire an additional registered nurse, to be shared with Columbia County. Currently, Elizabeth Stringer, R.N., is working weekends for Garfield County whenever COVID-19 testing is needed, in addition to her usual full-time schedule during the week.

She estimates the cost involved with hiring an additional nurse, including benefits, would be about $40,000 to $60,000 per year for two days per week. Dixon asked for a spreadsheet to review before making a decision. Lanman stated that she would like to move quickly on the matter and be ready to hire someone by July 1, 2020 to have them in place to allow Stringer to take a vacation.

Resolution 2020-14 to extend emergency housing funding related to COVID-19, in the amount of $7,407, was approved by the commissioners. Resolution 2020-15, an extension of contracts for contact investigators through the end of the year, was also approved. The contact investigators are on-call, paid as needed, and are funded out of $150,000 of COVID-19 funds. The need for these services are expected to continue long-term until vaccines are available, especially if an outbreak should occur, such as within a gathering of people. Every single person possibly exposed must be contacted within 24 hours, and then contacted at least twice per day during quarantine.

New funds have been received at the GCPH to provide for COVID-19 activities, including $5,000 for a summer breakfast and lunch program, distributed through the Nazarene Church. The weekend back-pack program will also continue through the summer.