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A Teen's Take

POMEROY–As most of you have heard and observed on the news there was a huge explosion in Beirut, Lebanon with over 150 deaths and more than 4,000 injuries. The vast majority of people in the affected area, were left homeless; some lives will never be the same, forever.

It is absolutely insane to think how life can change in just an instant. The people of Beirut never expected the last thing they said to their loved ones, would be, the last thing they ever said to them. Incidents like the recent explosion in Lebanon, is a prime example why life should never be taken for granted. It is our most precious gift.

I just wish more people could see that this is an everyday possibility and you have to tell people you love them. What’s the point of being mean or hurtful towards others? Some people think it makes them seem cooler, but it really doesn’t. Besides the potential of making a difference in another person’s life, being kind to others will make a difference in your own.

In the last year, I’ve been trying to be kinder. I started by waving at people as they drove by and smiling while asking someone how they are doing. In doing those simple things alone have made a difference in my mindset, so much that it has made me generally a happier person.

Remember, life can change in a blink of an eye. So, in your day-to-day life, take a moment to turn on your smile, wave or say hello when passing someone on the street. A kind gesture like that goes a long way in a person’s daily life, including your own. Make each and every second count. Don’t build a life of regrets; build a life of a loving legacy.

I hope everyone had a great week and make sure to hug your loved ones, even when it’s hard.