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A Teen's Take

POMEROY–The yummy smell of homemade bread, a birthday card slipped under your door from a secret friend or even a surprise visit are memories made and revisited for years to come.

At times, we do not take the time to stop and smell the roses, taking life’s little things for granted. Gestures as simple as a text saying goodnight or a plate of cookies dropped by your store or house go unnoticed. Why? That is the big question.

Perhaps we tend to over inflate the importance of the “have to” things we are doing at that moment like job, or school, or homework or doing chores. We forget to look at the little stuff that comes along while doing that “have to” stuff. We just don’t take the time.

My best friend says that if she won’t remember something in 20 years, odds are it doesn’t matter too much now. She quit worrying about every little test score and started focusing on the memories we’re making right now. I’ve noticed a change in the way she looks at things and relates to those around her.

It has become a habit in this rush around world to miss those enjoyable moments and memory making events. I will admit I am guilty of this from time to time and it’s easy to do when life is moving at 100 miles per hour. What I want to know is why we don’t make it a priority to enjoy the little things.

I hope everyone enjoys their week as the weather gets a little bit chillier and good luck to all the students starting school.