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BOCC approves Res. 2020-20 for $30,000

POMEROY–The Garfield County Commissioners approved Resolution 2020-20, drafted and signed a letter to the Department of Ecology, released the RV spots at the fairgrounds to the Fair Board and interviews for the job opening at the Extension office are set to begin.

The Garfield County Commissioners approved Resolution 2020–20 Levy Shift for $30,000 which will allow a move of money from the County Road Fund to Current Expense Account.

A letter to the Department of Ecology asking to extend the contract for two more years which allows the Conservation District to issue fire permits. Letter as follows:

The Garfield County Commissioners are writing to ask for delegation authority to administer the agricultural burning permits at the county level for another two years. Everything contained in the previous agreement is still acceptable. A new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Garfield County and the Conservation District is being drafted to be signed by both parts.

Commissioner Chairman Justin Dixon will sign the letter as Chairman of the Board and send to Terry Peterson Department of Ecology in Spokane.

Sara Lundsford, Garfield County Fair Board President, asked commissioner for guidance on how to handle the RV spots at the fairgrounds. The board approved moving the revenue for the RV spots to the Fair budget and also move the associated Pacific Power bills to the expense side so the Fair Board can get a true accounting on how much the RV spots bring in. The spots will officially be under the Fair’s purview at the first of the year. They also approved Lundsford to become an additional signer on the Fair account with Lisbeth Randall, Fair Board Treasurer.

Office Manager interviews are scheduled for Friday afternoon beginning at 1 p.m. Randall has consented to train the new person.

Public Works has five employees working on the pickups, said Public Works Director Grant Morgan. Snowfall last weekend didn’t amount to much but the crew is ready to go when snow does come. For now, they will continue to work in shop. Roads look good, Morgan said.

Snowplow policy has been published in the East Washingtonian on December 17, 2020, he added. For snow emergencies, call Public Works or the Sheriff’s office.

Morgan is finalizing the update on the budgets and will be ready for Wednesday’s meeting.

Nothing to report from Sheriff Drew Hyer.