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Letters to the Editor

To the editor,

The attacks from within our country on our free and fair elections must stop. Republicans are being played for donations, rancor and virus spreading acts by the current impeached ‘occupant’ in our White House.

In defending Pennsylvania against an attack by the Texas AG, Pennsylvania Attorney General, Josh Shapiro said,

“These continued attacks on our fair and free election system are beyond meritless, beyond reckless–they are a scheme by the President of the United States and some in the Republican party to disregard the will of the people–and name their own victors.”

Thankfully, the Supreme Court shut TX and signed on states down.

Dividing our nation has become the full time occupation for the ‘occupant’, at a time when the Covid virus is ravaging our nation with more dead than in WWII. When he could put the full weight of the Presidency into encouraging medically endorsed safety measures like mask wearing, he is hosting super spreader events, inciting Governors to change their citizens votes and filing frivolous lawsuits.

The linkage of these selfish, self aggrandizing acts cannot be denied by those who choose to ponder. Do you ponder or just follow the dear ‘occupant’?

Jamie Carothers

Pomeroy, Wash.

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