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Pastor's Corner

The Road Ahead

Well, we made it right? 2020 is over and now we can forget the last 12 months, right? I think I read somewhere that COVID–19, political drama, and racial tension would be over at 12 a.m., on January 1, 2021. Well, maybe not. As it turns out, life doesn’t work that way. Take heart! We are not the first to be daunted by a moving finish line.

About 2500 years ago, the Jewish people were returning home after 70 years of forced relocation to Babylon. Imagine not one year of homeschooling, unemployment, and travel restrictions, but 70! Finally, after all that time, the nightmare was over! The Israelites were going home! Life would be back to normal now!

As they reached the top of the hill for their first look at Jerusalem in 70 years, their hearts sank. The once mighty city walls were piles of rubble, the fruitful barley fields now grew only weeds, and the Holy Temple, once the very resting place of the Glory of God, lay in ruins. I can almost hear the heartbroken questions now: “Is this it? Is this what we waited for? Isn’t it supposed to be over? Haven’t we had enough”?

God never promised the road back would be easy. He never promised we wouldn’t have a lot of work to do to get back to “normal”. In fact, I’m not sure He ever promised a “normal” at all until the Messiah finally comes in all His glory. What He did promise was that He would walk with us every step of the way. He would not let His people be destroyed or fade into history. In fact, He Himself was with them every day of Exile in Babylon, and every step of the road home.

In the Book of Daniel, we see many stories of the presence and power of God continuing to protect and guide the Jews, even when at their lowest point. His power was still at work. He was with them in the fire, the lion’s den, and He was with them as they rebuilt Jerusalem.

No matter what 2021 looks like for you right now, God goes with you as well, if you will let Him. The same hand that held the Israelites in Exile holds you now, and that, my friend, is an exceptionally good place to be.

Pastor Evan Elwell

Pomeroy Church of the Nazarene