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Commerce or taxes

Inslee’s Unemployment Insurance tax recovery plan expands costs so much it will drive the proverbial stake through the heart of small business, stopping whatever remaining beats business in Washington State has left, killing it once and for all. If he thinks utilizing the Senate Bill 5061, which only spreads the huge tax increase over a longer period of time, will make it better, he isn’t thinking clearly. Employers have shouldered the majority of cutbacks, payouts for no work, lack of revenue due to shutdowns, increases of having employees in office, adapting office conditions to meet safety demands, PPE requirements, reconstruction of facilities to meet distancing requirements etc…all that employers need now is to be struck over the head with increased payroll and business taxes. Where does Inslee think businesses are going to come up with money to cover these additional costs especially now during the “Inslee Recession”? Sure, pass it on to the consumer, but the consumer has met hardship as well. Inslee is creating yet another crisis situation in this state, all in the name of refunding funds that were depleted because of the governor’s prolonged shutdown mandates.

It is suggested that utilization of the “rainy day” fund offers a way to remedy the depleted unemployment fund minimizing yet another costly blow to small business. Sen. Mark Schoesler, a co-sponsor of Senate Bill 5171, said that is what a “rainy day” fund is used for, and this is a rainy day. However, I am not sure Inslee will relinquish the nest egg for that purpose. I am thinking he has an environmental agenda eye on that money.

To me there are additional ways to redirect money to support the state economy instead of imposing burdensome taxes. Perhaps Inslee could drop the investigations into purging the Snake River of its dams or maybe he will have extra money now that Bob Ferguson doesn’t have to file a lawsuit against President Trump every time he sneezes. Maybe taking the high road and providing a tax break to businesses over the next few years so they can reopen and open new businesses, building up the tax base which will benefit his insatiable money appetite in the long run. What I see coming is the building of ghost towns with each new tax created and increased. I support genuine efforts toward building a better and livable Washington State, but if Inslee doesn’t stop or greatly decrease his huge advancements in taxes, we will experience a mass exodus never seen before, greater than New York. Government needs commerce, not taxes.