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State-of-the-art timing system installed at track

POMEROY–The School District was prized with a "Flashtiming" purchased by alumni Gary Peters which was put into action at the first track meet of the season on March 31, 2021.

Participants of the first 2021 track meet of the season held on March 31, with 11 participating 1–B schools experienced something new, something exciting, and something rare for a school Pomeroy's size; "Flashtiming".

Flashtiming is Fully Automated Timing (FAT). Through the generosity of 1991 Pomeroy High School graduate Gary Peters, the purchase and gifting of FAT puts Pomeroy's track facility at the top of those in the area. Peters was a Pirate Track participant and a 400-meter State Champion in 1991.

Schools enter Pomeroy meets by registering participants in an online program, which then creates heat-sheets for the individual races, and the races are set and run. As competitors cross the finish line, a camera records their finish, and times are assigned in the booth. Photo-finishes are immediately analyzed–no "pickers" needed!

Community members who have held a stopwatch on a cold spring day as the sun was going down just so Pomeroy could host a meet can attest as to how amazing it is to have a system that requires only someone to start this high-tech unit with the click of the gun! As a precautionary measure, someone was tasked to run a backup timing device in the event of the system not working, but the FAT-system worked flawlessly in its maiden voyage at Wednesday's track meet.

Flashtiming will allow Pomeroy to host large meets in the future as well as provide a state-of-the-art facility for many rural schools and rural athletes. Schools who attend meets in Pomeroy do pay a facility-use fee to prepare for future maintenance of the facility. The eleven participating 1-B schools, players, coaches, and fans were appreciative of the fantastic track and field.

The next high school home meet is scheduled for Wednesday, April 14 and the first junior high home meet is on Monday, April 19.

Athletes who have the opportunity to run at such a dynamic facility join the school district and community in appreciation for the advantage Gary Peters has provided through the purchase and gift of the FAT-system. Pomeroy will be an awesome place to compete!

Submitted by Toddette McGreevy and edited by Charlotte Baker

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