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State of emergency, still?

I was recently sent a cartoon picturing a man standing next to a spaceship and an alien holding a sign which read “Take me to you leader.” The man replies: “You’ve sorta come at a bad time....”

It got me thinking of the state of affairs in our nation and state.

What is our government and elected tax-paid bureaucrats doing? Where’s the leadership?

What I think is most prevalent are the ever-changing rules, mandates and, most serious of all, the continued need to remain in a state of emergency, which doesn’t seem to have anything to do with managing coronavirus or prevention anymore.

It feels like a manipulation to train the masses in following the dictatorial whims of a power- and money-hungry tyrant and downright governmental disregard for our national and state constitutions.

And for what purpose? Who is gaining? It sure isn’t the citizen or small business.

Since the new administrations have taken office, changes to benefit governmental agencies, departments, lobbyists and individuals have escalated their invasive agendas.

I not only see them attempting to strip those of us who are still employed of our hard-earned money and stifling businesses in their ability to continue commerce, but also to consistently nip away at our constitutional rights as well.

The recent authorization for the Department of Labor and Industries endeavors to force businesses to cross the line by demanding medical information from their employees to verify vaccination validity and to mark those who have not been vaccinated as undesirables, forcing them to wear a mask or be fired.

By having businesses run rough shod over their employees in this manner only turns the screws tighter and tighter on employers, especially those with small businesses.

Because of continued unemployment benefits the State continues to dole out, businesses are having quite the time finding people to come back to work or enticing employment-eligible people to start working. Downsizing unvaccinated employees is discrimination.

The recent move by Governor Jay Inslee has empowered him to enforce a medical procedure on every person that is not fitting for everyone. To me, this sounds like, feels like, and acts like a huge governmental overreach! In other words, if it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, it’s a duck!

Since when does a governmental agency and governor make medical decisions for others. NEVER!

And, what of those who have had coronavirus? Ongoing research has found those who have contracted coronavirus develop an immunity and, based on research of coronavirus I, it is more complete and withstanding for the long-haul; even after 18 years.

But isn’t that what our immune systems are supposed to do? Defend us from invasion of the millions of bacteria and viruses we come in contact with each day?

It seems that unless we all take a vaccination made up of only a partial marker of the virus, even though most of us have had the virus, will we be allowed to return to a normal life?

But what is normal now? From what Gov. Inslee has stated, since a vaccination is not available to those 12 and under, mask mandates will not be lifted and the state of emergency will remain. What the hell for?

Research shows those in that age range will not be at risk or have little to none ill effects.

Those at most risk have already taken the vaccination and the majority of those who have minimal risk, have done so also. In other words, those who need protection have gotten that protection by becoming vaccinated.

What of the right to privacy, freedom of choice and protection from discrimination? Or is that liberty saved for abortions and hiding scandals?