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Pirate Swim Team takes 4th place at County

By Tina Warren

Special to the East Washingtonian

POMEROY–The Pirate Swim Team wrapped up their season at the Tri-County Championship Meet, taking 30 members to Colfax, Wash., on August 7. Only those who swim the event during the season and those with the top three times for that event shall participate in the championship meet.

Awards and points are given to first through sixth placings and Pomeroy was able to take the podium 45 times to claim an award. The Pirate swim team garnered 198 points to claim fourth place in the competition.

In this group of swimmers, there were 11 first-year swimmers who qualified to compete in the championship meet. Max Humphries took away three first place medals, one second place medal, and also the trophy for most points earned for all eight and under boys.

The other top finishers were Braxton McKeirnan, who competed in five individual events and taking the podium five times; Molly Warren, who swam six events was called to the podium five times; and Carmen Fruh who raced in six events, claiming the podium five times. Other team members took the podium and some achieved their personal record (PR) at the meet.

Pomeroy started the season with 54 swimmers who participated in four meets throughout the summer season which included Pullman, Colfax, St. John/Endicott, GPOP and a July 22 home event.

"We had a lot of great coaches this year that helped our swimmers improve dramatically throughout the year, including Shelly Slaybaugh, Emily Jentz, KayLee Schmidt, Lane Shawley, and with help from Emma Severs before harvest started, said team manager Tina Warren. "We are very proud of all our swimmers and appreciate all the help and support from the community."