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PSD hires three new High School coaches

POMEROY–The School District Board of Directors (PSD) approved recommendations to hire three coaches at their meeting on October 26. Sonia Hevener was approved as High School softball coach, Al Damron as High School golf coach and Kyler Lovgren as High School baseball coach. Assistant coaches have not been determined yet.

The PSD board also accepted the resignation of Alia Scoggin as a one-one paraprofessional.

Resolutions No. 304 and No. 305 was approved. Resolution No. 304 is a $15,000 inter-fund transfer to the Capital Projects fund for use during the 2021-2022 school year. The money does not have a specific designation. No. 305 is a $13,250 inter-fund transfer to the Transportation Vehicle Fund for the purchase of a new school bus which will be transacted in November.

The board updated Policy and Procedure 6220, the policy that outlines bidding and purchase procedures. It was updated to keep consistent with the most current State policy.

They also approved the Highly Capable Program Plan, a yearly occasion. The Plan is a listing of how the school will accommodate students who are highly motivated and learning quickly. The High School students are placed in college level classes, and the elementary students receive education that keeps their pace.

Most of the Covid-19 relief funds are not earmarked for use yet. The first round was used for chrome books and staffing salaries for distance learning. The remaining funds need to be used by 2024. The HVAC system in the elementary school is high on the list for possibilities.

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