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General Election results for 2021

POMEROY–In the 2021 general election, 44%, 740 of 1,682 registered Garfield County voters cast their ballots, weighing in on critical Advisory Votes, local city, county and district positions with one contested race between Sherry Ledgerwood and Chris Herres for Garfield County Hospital District Board Position No. 1. Ledgerwood received 384 votes or 54.70% and unseated incumbent Herres with 318 or 45.30%.

Uncontested races for local positions are as follows: for City Council Member No. 4, a 4-year term, James D. Harris (395); City Council Member No. 5, a 4-year term remains Susie Bowles (412); Fire Commissioner No. 1, a 6-year term is Terry E. John (601); Hospital Commissioner No. 2, a -year term, Erica Stallcop (623);

Clarkston School District N. 250 Director No. 4, a 4-year term, Jim Nelly (12); and Clarkston School District No. 250 Director No. 250 Director No. 5, a 4-year term, Russ A. Davis (11).

Port District Commissioner No. 2, a 2-year unexpired term, Matt Herres; Port District Commissioner No. 3, a 6-year term, Larry J. Scoggin.

Pomeroy School District No. 110 School Director No. 2, a 2-year term, Geremy D. Nelson (599); and Pomeroy School District No. 110 School Director At large No. 4, 4-year term, Kyle J. Pearson.

State Advisory Vote No. 36 was repealed with a vote of 82.98% (580) to 17.02% (119); Advisory Note No. 37 Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5096 was also repealed with 85.24% (595) of the votes to 14.76% (103); Advisory Vote No. 38 Second Substitute Senate Bill 5315 repealed with 80.35% (552) of the votes to 19.65% (135).

The election will be certified November 23, 2021.

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