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Pomeroy Pioneer Portraits

Ten Years Ago

December 21, 2011

Garfield County Information and Assistance has changed its name to Aging and Disability Resource Center. The change was made at the request of the Aging and Long Term Care out of Yakima and approved by the Garfield County commissioners. Service will remain the same.

Senior Round Table, the Walla Walla organization that coordinates the meal program at the Senior Center in Pomeroy, is asking for support from the community by increased participation. In a recent newsletter, Howard Ostby, director of Senior Round Table, pointed to the approximately 9,000 meals served last year as evidence of residents’ dependence on the program.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

December 25, 1996

The Pomeroy Ranger District office and the Mt. Misery Snow Drifters are looking for volunteers to help with grooming of trails in the Umatilla National Forest. Because of safety considerations and in case of an accident, the groomer driver must be accompanied. According to club secretary Sandy Jennings, the volunteer does not need to be a club member, and anyone interested in riding with the groomer or following along on the trail should contact Rich Martin at the Ranger District office.

Evergreen Home Economics Club met Dec. 19 at the home of Margaret Wolf. Eight members were present. Christmas cards were signed for members who were ill or not able to attend. After the business meeting, a gift exchange was enjoyed.

Fifty Years Ago

December 23, 1971

Members of the Sheriff’s Posse and Forest Service, under the foremanship of Alvin Start, have constructed an emergency shelter on Mt. Misery at the junction of Mt. Misery and Anatone roads. The shelter and first aid station will provide emergency shelter, first aid and some rations, particularly for snowmobilers. The metal shelter has a wood stove, and wood has been provided at the shelter.

An evening of ceremony and entertainment was climaxed Friday, Dec. 17, when Miss Julie Kay Price was crowned as Pomeroy’s Junior Miss for 1972. Miss Price, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Price, is a senior at Pomeroy High School.

A conservation group’s suit that sought to block construction of Lower Granite Dam and another unspecified dam was thrown out of court Thursday by a judge who said federal courts lack jurisdiction over projects authorized by Congress. The suit, brought against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers by the Northwest Steelheaders Council of Trout Unlimited, was filed 21 months ago – before any concrete was poured at the Lower Granite Dam site.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

December 26, 1946

Commander Garry William Jewett, Jr., Pomeroy, Wash., has received a permanent citation for the bronze star medal from Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal, for the president. Commander Jewett, who is stationed with the Bureau of Personnel, Navy Department, Washington, D.C., received the award for meritorious achievement as navigating officer of the United States cruiser USS Chester.

The passing of the cuspidor marks a new age in civilization’s trek toward perfection. Cuspidors are no longer required in New York places of business. The board of health has eliminated a section in the code that required one cuspidor for every two persons employed in each place of business employing ten or more persons. The board said the section had become obsolete because of general compliance of all people with modern principles of sanitation. The action of the board resulted after building maintenance union workers objected to cleaning the cuspidors.

The outgoing and incoming Christmas mail handled through the Pomeroy Post Office the past three weeks is the heaviest on record, reports Postmaster Ronald L. Chard. The Christmas mail began arriving much earlier than usual this year and by mid-December the volume of outgoing yule mail had increased greatly, keeping this pace up for seven days. On the 24th of December it dropped back to a near-normal level.

One Hundred Years Ago

December 24, 1921

The Pomeroy Commercial Club in response to a request made by H.C. Hayes, superintendent of the Pomeroy school, at the noon luncheon held in the Revere Hotel Monday, appointed a committee to act with the student body of the high school in making preparations for a poultry show to be held January 18-20. The plans include the use of the coops which were used by the former poultry association, and such other material as may be available. These coops are now stored in the manual training rooms at the schoolhouse.

Special Deputy Len Jennings went to Walla Walla Wednesday and received into custody John P. Kent, Jr., who is charged with passing worthless drafts. To settle bills Kent wrote drafts in favor of the Pomeroy hotel for $30, and the Kidwell & Dickson clubhouse for $152. He was arrested in Portland on information wired by Sheriff Dixon and put under $1,000 bonds. Kent is well known here, having written insurance at different times for several years and was believed to be perfectly straight.

The pet bear which Albert Hoppe obtained from the Grouse country on the Fourth of last July, was killed and sold out this week by the meat market of Bryan & Read.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

December 19, 1896

Chris Obenland says if the fellow who stole his ducks and chickens will return them he will be promptly arrested and sent to the pen, where he properly belongs. A reward of $5 will be given to the person who will furnish information that will convict the thief.

A temperance club has been organized at Alpowa Ridge with the following officers: Col. John Murry, president; Joe Jewett, Sec .; Gus Hardin, Treas. The club is working in perfect harmony, but the Col. Insists that a gallon is better than a pint. It is expected that arrangements will be made for a ball in the near future. As this club is about the only social organization on the Ridge an invitation to its social gatherings is highly prized.

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