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Letters to the Editor

To the editor,

The local democrat contingency seems to have a mouthpiece south of reason and void of thought, and I did not wish to be the alter ego of that twisted thinking. Not long ago I traveled to Coeur d’ Alene, driving through Whitman County, popping out on 95 northeast of Tekoa. Drove by a Trump flag nearly worn out just outside Oaksdale. Passed another five or so before we got to 95. Even saw Trump signs on the reservation.

In the two days wandering about CDA we saw numerous bumper stickers signs in lawns, flags and other patriotic displays honoring the last honestly elected president, Donald Trump. What I didn’t see was one single “Joey” sign or “Joey/Harris” sign or flag or anything, anywhere. “Wasn’t their slogan “Let’s make America Garbage again?” They have us there, back to the Jimmy Carter days.

My point is that if you truly did vote for the Joey, then by gosh be proud of it. Get a bumper sticker. Put a flag outside your house. That way, when we meet you at the fueling station, we can give you a big thumbs up. At the grocery store and every other business, we can take the time to thank you personally for the shortages and the big increase in prices.

I would imagine most intelligent people would like to thank you for bringing CRT into public classrooms, and getting math and reading added to the soon to be extinct list. Masks! You don’t want to get me started on that one. 1930s Germany is our next stop.

In Wisconsin sometime back, a democrat drove his vehicle over White grandmothers and White children. This is the country that Kamala Harris envisioned and did her utmost to bring forth.

If you read this and didn’t like it GOOD. If you liked it, mention it to the editor. I have a few more thoughts on the subject and don’t wish it to be in a letter to the editor format. In the past we have had sayings to bring unity to the nation like “Remember the Alamo” and “Remember Pearl Harbor”, but, “Let’s Go Brandon” is my personal favorite.

Eric E. McKeirnan

Pomeroy, Wash.