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City of Pomeroy's Complete Streets project nearly finished

POMEROY–The Pomeroy City Council held a continued meeting on March 29 to approve paying two invoices accrued for the "Complete Streets project; one from Flynn's Electric and the other to Knox Concrete.

Invoices were paid to cover costs accrued from the last work done on the "Complete Streets" project. Tasks included rewiring light poles on Main Street, fixing drainage and bus crossing at the Pomeroy High School, and sidewalk repair at the Denny Ashby Library and around town.

The total cost of the project was $200,000, paid for by a grant from the Washington State Transportation Improvement Board. One job remains, blowing out the wiring pipes for the light poles, but that will have to wait for warmer weather. Charge for that job is included in the Flynn's Electric invoice.

The council expressed their happiness with the outcome of the project and praised City Crew Chief Mike Lockard for his work in bringing all the pieces together. "Lockard took the bull by the horns and made it work," Councilman Jim Harris said.

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