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Letters to the Editor

To the editor,

I would like to recognize and applaud the success of the 2022 Pirate Hoops for Kids: Pomeroy Basketball Camp. Camp was provided by the PHS Girls Basketball Team and ran by Head Coach Tai Bye and Assistant Coach, Gena Severson. Kindergarten through seventh grade students were participants from Monday, June 13th through Thursday, June 16th.

Growing up in the small town of Davenport, WA and participating in local basketball camps and larger ones, had me excited for my two daughters to participate. Each day I would pick them up a little early to watch them and their friends work together and enjoy the game. As a parent, you always hope your children are having fun at these camps and learning the skills to become better players. What I witnessed Coach Bye and her staff create was not only better players, but also better people.

The HS helpers were always motivated, always supportive and were always there to lend a hand or help a camper who was not quite ready to say goodbye to their parent(s). I was also pleased to see that there were Pomeroy alumni who had come back, volunteered their time and showed support for our basketball program.

At the end of each day, awards were given to campers. When I attended basketball camps 20+ years ago, I can still remember awards were given to campers who had the best defense, the most assists, who scored the most 3-point shots, and who totaled the most points of the day, to name a few. All the awards given were added up to a total amount, something you could always measure. Campers at Pirate Hoops were recognized for their hustle, attitude, improvements, work ethic and effort. They were awarded for being “coachable” having a “love for the game”, “being a good teammate”, and “showing kindness and using good manners”. Coach Bye and her staff got it right. They knew that recognizing students for their character outweighed recognizing them for their abilities. There of course was a lot of happy cheering from all, when buzzer shots were made, steals were grabbed, and assists were passed to keep the score moving and the game exciting. With all the point-cheering and celebrating happening on the sides, perseverance, teamwork and kindness was never overlooked. You could see and hear these encouraging words coming from all coaching staff and campers.

I am grateful for Coach Bye and Coach Severson along with their staff at Pirate Hoops Camp for creating a week of fun-filled learning opportunities for all campers. I am proud of my girls for learning skills to help them play a sport that they love, but even more proud that they learned to be better individuals and teammates. The Pomeroy Basketball Program has a great future ahead. I would encourage all children to attend camp next year, it is well worth it.

Mrs. Elizabeth Waldher

Pomeroy, Wash.