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2022 Transit Development Plan adopted

POMEROY–The Garfield County Transportation Authority (CTA) passed a transit development plan, a zero fare policy, and signed a memorandum of understanding for Quality Behavioral Health’s recovery navigator program at their meeting on August 22.

The transit development plan is a six-year plan that outlines CTA’s goals for the next six years. A plan is submitted yearly. This year’s plan includes building a maintenance facility. It is on file at the CTA office and will be submitted to the Washington State Department of Transport.

The zero fare policy that the CTA passed does not change the current status of the entity, as it is already operating without charging fares. The policy simply puts the current status on paper to allow the CTA to access additional state funding.

The CTA signed a memorandum of understanding for the recovery navigator program which is funded by Washington State and is being administered by QBH. It is a voluntary compliance program to provide resources to county residents who need assistance in their recovery. In light of the zero fare policy the CTA holds, the memorandum is not concerning payment for transportation but instead concerning ride availability and nondiscrimination agreements.

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