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New 4-H leader and volunteers recruitment

POMEROY–The WSU/Garfield County Extension begins the 4-H leader and volunteer recruitment for the 2022-23 year starting October 1.

Several leaders have retired and the anticipated increase in the number of new 4-H members, requires replacement and additions of leaders and volunteers.

The Family Living project areas of cooking, sewing, and crafting are especially in need of volunteers. Creative Kids group has 25 members and for a greater learning experience, we are looking to split in to two or three sub-groups. There are several youths interested in photography and robotics, so looking for those with knowledge, experience or interest in these areas.

Volunteers do not need to take on a club on their own. There are many ways to volunteer, such as partnering with a friend as co-leaders of a club. I would be happy to talk to you about what it looks like to be a 4-H volunteer.

Youth who have reached their eighth birthday by October 1, 2022 are eligible to enroll in the 4-H program.

Last year Garfield County 4-H served 67 youth, through projects in beef, swine, sheep, horse, goats, cooking, sewing, and crafting. Many 4-Hers are enrolled in more than one club. Youth also participated in several livestock shows as well as Bi-County 4-H Camp and Robotics Camp.

Interested? Call Sheree or Monica at 509-843-3701.