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City Council passes swim rates, property tax resolutions

POMEROY–The Pomeroy City Council held a budget hearing, passed two resolutions, and discussed the considered loan from Washington State Department of Health (DOH) at their meeting on November 21.

The budget hearing elicited no public comment. The final approval of the 2023 budget is scheduled for December 6, the next regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council.

The council passed resolutions 22-5, and 22-6. Resolution 22-5 sets the 2023 rates for the Pomeroy Municipal Pool with a $5 increase for swimming lessons, individual and family passes, and two-hour pool rentals. Daily admittance was increased from $3 to $3.50. Resolution 22-6 increases the property tax to be collected by 1%. The tax collected for the last year was $187,242, so the added tax to be collect next year is $1,872.42 with the addition of any new construction. Mayor Paul Miller was authorized to sign the levy certification.

The DOH Drinking Water State Revolving Fund loan application was declared ineligible due to a lack of an active water plan that is approved the Garfield County Public Health Department. The city has a plan under development by Keller & Associates, and will be eligible to apply for Unites States Department of Agriculture's Rural Development loans, as well as future DWSRF loans, when it is finished.

In further business, the council discussed a possible new salary schedule for city employees that includes a 2% cost of living increase, as well as a possible 8% to 13% increase depending on the position. Mayor Miller stated that he wants to "do the best we can do without getting ourselves in trouble". Decision upon the proposed schedule was postponed to the December meeting.

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