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When Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him, he said of him, "Here is truly an Israelite in whom there is no deceit!"

Nathanael asked him, "Where did you get to know me?"

Jesus answered, "I saw you under the fig tree before Philip called you."

Nathanael replied, "Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!" John 1: 48-49

There is nothing better, or more needed, than to be seen and heard. To really be known, and loved, just as you are, is one of the most core human needs. The most uplifting relationships are the ones in which we are authentically ourselves. This does not mean our flaws are acceptable, but only that we are accepted, even though we are flawed.

During the Advent and Christmas Season, we talk and sing and read about the joys of family and friends. We celebrate the Birth of Christ by connecting with loved ones. This is one of the greatest parts of the holidays. On the other hand, for many it is a season of sadness. For those with no close family to know and love us, as we are, the songs can ring hollow, and the movies sometimes feel as though they mock our pain. There is build-up, with no resolution. Often, things are only worth doing if we have someone to share it with. How can we celebrate when we are so alone?

Well, maybe God planned for that too. In this passage from John, there is a profound truth buried in a few short verses. To know someone implies a relationship- a level of intimacy and personal connection that usually takes us humans a long time to attain. But this is not so with Christ. Nathanael's character had just been praised, prompting his to ask, "How do you know me?". Jesus replies that He knows us even before we know Him. He knows us right now, and loves us, just as we are. Jesus has a level of personal, deep knowledge of each one of us. He sees. He understands. Even if we do not yet know Him, as Nathanael didn't, Christ knows us. We are not so alone as we thought. What an incredible thought! There is, in fact One who sees us!

Now let's combine that with an interesting concept Christmas introduced us to. Both the Old Testament book of Isaiah and the New Testament Gospel of Mathew name the Savior this way: Emmanuel. God with us. Jesus is God with us! We are not alone! At Christmas, God comes alongside every one of us and says, "You are seen. You are known. You are loved. This is why I came." Jesus may have said He saw Nathanael under a tree earlier that day, but His praise of Nathanael's character implied that He knew the man far deeper than a moment in time allows. In fact, Jesus has been close to him all along. If Jesus can (and did) do that with Nathanael, He surely can (and does) do the same with us, unless we say Jesus' power or love had a limit.

Maybe you are one of those who finds the holiday season a sad and lonely time, as you mourn a passed loved one, lament a broken family that never loved you as they should, or are simply reminded with each holiday event that you don't have a "plus one" by your side. Jesus is with you. That is what Christmas promises. He saw you when you wept behind closed doors. He sits with a hand on your shoulder as you grieve that one person who should be with you at Christmas. He knows your mistakes and your flaws, and still He says, "I love you. I AM with you this Christmas."

Pastor Evan Elwell

Pomeroy Church of the Nazarene