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Winter Is Here

Truck accident blocks Alpowa Grade Monday

POMEROY–Garfield County Fire District No. 1 (GCFD) responded to a Walmart semi-tractor/trailer truck combo that blocked both lanes up and down State Route 12, west of the Alpowa Summit Monday morning December 5, 2022, around 9:45 a.m.

Winter has played its hand on a Walmart truck traveling toward Pomeroy on Highway 12 near mile marker 410 Monday morning, December 5, 2022 about 9:45 a.m. The driver lost control of the vehicle sliding, crossing two oncoming traffic lanes, through the guardrail and sightly over the embankment. GCFD responded with Command 8-1, Engine 11 and Rescue 6. The fire team utilized a ladder to help the uninjured driver from the truck cab. Reports from drivers stacked up behind the accident said it could have been worse, but the collision had no injuries that they saw or was reported by official agencies.

The accident site was cleared and traffic resumed flow around 11:30 a.m.