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Letters to the Editor

To The editor,

The December 15, 2022 edition of the East Washingtonian contained a Letter (or is it a rant) from Mr. Eric McKeirnan. At the very least I believe the editors should require a purpose of the communication to be stated or at least evident prior to publishing writers’ thoughts.

The random sarcasm and cynicism expressed in this letter do not constitute coherent thought. At the very least Editors should exercise their responsibility to their readers to focus the message.

For example, realizing that abortion is a sensitive topic why publish thoughts that demean either side of such a sensitive issue? The phrase “...bad decisions on her part...” has nothing to do with contraception. Apparently, the writer believes creation takes place only when a male deems it permissible with no female input whatsoever.

Please use the editorial blue pencil more objectively in the future.

I write as a citizen, a veteran, and an independent supporter of legislation attempting to provide the greatest good to the greatest number.

Andy Hathaway

Seattle, Wash.