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Super Seniors

POMEROY–On the occasion of receiving a financial donation from Puget Sound Energy, the Super Senior Board wanted to recognize our faithful members that have reached the age of 90 and above.

Those we want to honor are Louise Mundy is 99, Barbara McClanahan 90, and Jennie O'Dell, 94.

These individuals have served in various positions on the local level and are still active on (ALTC) Aging and Long-Term Care Board.

Eloise Bartlow, 97, and Roberta Rommel, 90, now deceased as of December 22, 2022, have played a vital role in raising funds. Harold Walter, 94, has been one of the most supportive members for the Round Table, which serves meals Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

The Senior Center building at 695 Main Street was built in 1988 and is the oldest brick building in Pomeroy. The building was purchased in 1980 and with lots of volunteer help was made into a very useful building for Garfield County senior citizens. We are one of the few Senior Centers that own our own building and receive no funds from the county, state or federal government. The building is maintained by the membership.

The building has a rich history of tenants in the past. Today, Transportation, ADRC and Round Table serve our community. We appreciate our faithful members.

-Submitted by Shirley Fischer, Super Senior President