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Pastor's Corner

Soul Gardening

Since moving to Pomeroy, I have finally had space to create a garden. Over the last few years, I have slowly expanded what I have done. At first, I grew a few crops in various places in the yard. Most (like the corn) didn't turn out well because the soil was not well suited for what I was trying to do. Last year I expanded to the creation of raised beds. I grew about twice as many crops, most of which were more successful. I had more corn than I knew what to do with. I gave a way a ton of crops to my Church Family during Sunday Services.

This year, I have been hard at work on research and yet more expansion. I have been getting set up to start many plants inside to increase the growing season, and have spent the past year composting. When spring hits, I will try for the biggest and best harvest yet!

All this intentional preparation reminds me of the Parable of the Sower from Mathew, Mark and Luke. You probably know it. Jesus declares the Kingdom of God to be like a man sowing seeds: some fell on the road and were eaten by birds. Some fell in bad soil- rocky or full of weeds, so that they did not produce anything. Some, though, fell in good soil. Taking advantage of a good environment to grow, they produce a hundred times what was sown.

Just like growing fruits and veggies, we cannot expect positive results with no preparation. I can't create tasty, filling food if the soil is lacking nutrients. If I allow weeds to clutter the beds, anything good will be stolen away. No, if I want to bear fruit, I need to regularly attend to the plants. They need minerals, water, sun, and healthy, deep soil to develop strong roots. That all take intentionality and time. Getting things going takes some serious work, but as the years go on, the garden continues to improve, and even feeds itself naturally.

The spiritual life is no different. If we are to grow the kind of life Jesus calls us to, we cannot assume it will happen by accident. The seed is fantastic and has the potential to change the world. But not everyone will care about the Abundant Life Jesus taught. Some will seek it but remain hard and rocky. Others may be set to succeed, but the distractions of this world, the "weeds" will take over and choke out the spirit if we let them. Yet, for those who are willing to put in the work, something amazing can happen.

When we make it a priority to establish good soil for growing in our lives, the Holy Spirit can work and do more than we imaging. Seek the Lord, each day though prayer and study of the Word. Join in worship with others. Seek God together. Get advice. Confess and root out sin in your life. Clean the "beds" out in your heart. Give God your time and effort. Seek to follow His ways. If you give the message of God room to grow, an abundance of love will spring up, producing a hundred times more than what was given to you. Even better, that fruit will not spoil. It will not only be delicious, but itself has the capacity to bear seeds. Now wouldn't that be a garden worth growing in our community?

Pastor Evan Elwell

Pomeroy Church of the Nazarene

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