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Dick Martin honored at Spinners' Egg Hunt

POMEROY–The Pomeroy Spinners honored the legacy of Dick Martin at their 16th annual Community Easter Egg Hunt on April 8.

Martin was part of the five-member group that changed the Jaycees to the Pomeroy Spinners in 1978 and was a faithful member until his recent passing. Spinners President Tanner Cranor recalled Martin's passion for the annual egg hunt, and his ability to keep track of 15 pots of boiling eggs at once.

This year's egg hunt was the second year in a row that received over $8,000 of donations from the community, all of which has been used for the hunts. More than 7,000 eggs were placed in the Lybecker football field and the Crystal Springs Golf Course, some containing candy and some redeemable for prizes at the football concession shack. Prizes included games, Easter baskets and balls, as well as a grand prize bicycle for each age group.

Winners of the bicycles were Cannon Taylor in the 0-2 age group, Cassidy Williams in the 3-5 age group, Aubrey Bondurant in the 6-8 age group, and Chance Savage in the 9-12 age group.

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