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Response to Rising Gas Prices

OLYMPIA - Kris Johnson, president of the Association of Washington Business, issued the following statement regarding the response today from Gov. Inslee and lawmakers to the rising price of gas in Washington:

"It should come as no surprise to anyone that gas prices in Washington are going up because of the Climate Commitment Act. It was clear from the beginning this program would raise the cost of gas - and it has. Even so, the state's first two carbon allowance auctions pushed carbon credit prices far above projections, a clear sign of instability in the program and evidence of the need to fix the CCA so it works for the economy and the environment. 

"It's unfortunate the governor and some legislators continue to direct blame at employers to distract from the real issue: Washington now has the highest gas prices in the nation largely because of the way the Climate Commitment Act has been implemented. This is something the business community warned about extensively in testimony, public comment and economic modeling before the program started, and something we continue to call on lawmakers to address. Rather than propose new legislation, as we heard today, it's time for lawmakers to get serious about fixing the Climate Commitment Act. 

"Fine-tuning the program will allow us to better phase in the future price increases caused by the state's program, creating a more gradual increase. This will slow future price increases and give needed relief to Washingtonians struggling because of the sudden spike in prices. At the same time, we need our public officials to acknowledge the true cost of achieving our climate goals. The infrastructure required for a net-zero carbon emitting state is astonishingly expensive, and these costs are barely the beginning.

Washingtonians are poised to pay more to live and work in this state and we need honesty and transparency about this from our elected officials, not finger pointing and distracting blame games."