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Jr. Hi Pirates win at SJEL

LACROSSE–Both A and B Middle School Pirate Girl's Basketball teams were winners over SJEL here Sept. 20.

The A Squad won 31-17 with Reagan McKeirnan leading scoring with 13. Kiara Marquez 6, Sidney Wolf 4, Peyton Newberg, 2, Lilaina Severson 2, Hollie Van Vogt 2, Daphne Waldher 2.

"We saw a zone defense for the first time this year and I was very happy with how the girls adjusted," said Coach HayLee Dudley. "Several of our younger girls saw substantial court time and did a great job."

The Bees won 15-10 with Giselle Morphin, Allie Van Vogt and Sophie Miller each scoring four. Daphne Waldher scored two and Willow Bowen 1.

"They worked hard with having limited players on both teams the effort from both groups was remarkable," Coach Emma Severs said. "We stayed with our game and came out on top."