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Thanksgiving Delights

Mrs. Waldher's Kindergarten Class at Pomeroy Elementary School recently put their creative minds to some inventive ways to cook an entreé for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday meal. Bon appétit!

Charlie's Blueberry Bread

By Charlie Schwindt: Age 5


20 blueberries

1 tsp. sugar

2 eggs

2 handfuls of flour


First you need to mix up all the ingredients in a big bowl. Make sure you crack the eggs first! Mix it up first with a big spoon, as big as the front paws of a bunny rabbit leg. Put it in a rectangle container, but no lid. Put it in the oven for 20% and cook it for 20 minutes. Then it should turn into sugary blueberry bread. It will make 5 big slices.

Dublin's Vanilla Cookies

By Dublin Daley: Age 6


10 C. flour

2 eggs

2 C. sugar

½ of 2 cups of oil

7 vanillas

1 popcorn seed

1 apple seed


First you put the sugar in a bowl, then crack the eggs in a cup and put it in the bowl. Put the half of a cup of sugar in a big bowl, dump it in the big bowl, wait a little bit. Next, you'll put your half of 2 cups of oil in. Mix up the oil and the sugar. Sprinkle the vanillas on and use a popcorn seed and apple seed for eyes. Set the oven for 1 trillion degrees and cook them for 10 seconds. Then dah, da, da, daaaa, your cookies are done. There will 10 cookies to eat right away because they are taaaasty!

Kevin's Buck Deer

By Kevin Burnstad: Age 5


40 lbs. of deer belly

5 C. salt

6 spoonful's of garlic

7 rectangles of butter, sliced

5 Tbsp of sugar


Cut up the deer with a carving knife into 6 or 7 pieces. Put the butter on the deer and the oil in the pan. The pan goes on the stove. Add the garlic, salt and sugar. Put the deer in the pan with a spatula because you don't want your deer to be dirty from you hands. Maybe you should wash your hands too. After you put it all on, wash your hands again. Cook the deer for 5 hours in the pan. The deer is done because your oven will beep. Put it on a tray and eat it, but cut it up before you eat it because it could be a big chunk!

Cooper's Chocolate Donuts

By Cooper Nagle: Age 5


1 C. real flour

2 C. sugar

5 chocolate chips

1 C. of water


Mix the flour and the sugar in a bowl with a mixer. Pour in the water and stir it all together. Take everything out of the bowl put it on the counter. Scoop out the stuff and get a knife. Cut the circle in the middle of it and put chocolate chips in your hands and then put it on the top. Do this to all of it. Put it in a donut box. Put the box in the oven for 5 degrees and cook it for 6 minutes. When they are done there will be 17 donuts. Put more chocolate chips and M&M's on them.

Keyla's Ham

By Keyla Marquez: Age 5


20 lb. ham

3 bags of salt


Get the ham from the freezer and it is ready to go. Wash the ham in the sink to get the bones off. I do not like bones in my meat. Cut the ham into squares, maybe 20. Mix the salt up to make it more good and put that on the ham. Put the ham on a plate and take it to the barbecue. Cook it for 7 minutes. The barbecue is just a little hot. When it is done cooking eat it with a fork. Eat it with bread, butter and jelly.

Greyson's Pumpkin Pie

By Greyson Wade: Age 5


1 bread

1 green or orange pumpkin

2 lbs. sugar

3 C. brown sugar


Cut your pumpkin into 11 or 10 pieces. Put the pumpkin pieces in a bowl with the bread and stir it 1 time or 10 times. Write your name on the bread because someone might want to know whose bread it is. Add your sugar into the bowl and stir it with a spoon, fork or a knife. Put everything in a pan and put it in the oven at 11 degrees for 11 minutes. Wait til it is warm and eat it with pineapples, apples or some peaches.

Roy's Pistachio Delight

By Roy Ledgerwood: Age 6


4 containers of white frosting

1 piece of sweet bread for everyone

4 dots of green frosting

Whipped Cream

½ C. pistachio powder


Put the bread at the bottom of a pan and put the white and green frosting on top of that. The green is also a little bit on the bottom of the bread and the red is a little bit on top of that. After the bread, add the pistachio powder and put the whip cream on the top. Make little dots with it. You can also put green or red frosting on top of that. Put it in the fridge to keep it cooled down. Keep it in the fridge for 1 minute and then eat it!

Maisy's Brown Deer

By Maisy Ebeck: Age 5


A deer that you need to kill

2 C. of salt


Go to Dollar General and buy a deer. Cut the deer up into 7 pieces. Use a big knife as big as a pumpkin to cut it up. Then you put it in a pan before you put him into the oven. The oven needs to be SUPER hot! It needs to be at 100 degrees. Cook it for 12 minutes and put the salt on it once it comes out of the oven. Put the deer on glass plates after it comes out of the oven. You can add a little more salt and pepper if you would like.

Boone's Plain Bread

By Boone Klaveano: Age 6


A big bowl of dough

1 C. of flour

1 C. of sugar

2 gallons of water


Roll the dough out on the table with a roller. Roll it 3 times. Get all the air out by pushing on the dough. Make the bread thing into a heart. Use a knife to make lines on the top of it. Put it in a pan and then the oven. The oven needs to be hot like when you are making pizza. Cook it for 10 hours. When it come out put the flour, sugar and water on top. Then you can serve it out. Mom passes it out and gives it to her friends, we have some too. It's like the loaf of bread on the show Maggie's Market. You can eat it with butter too.

Brynlee's Milkshakes

By Brynlee Stallcop: Age 5


1 C. milk

1 bottle of whipped cream

16 drinks of chocolate and strawberry ice cream

3 tbsp Oreos in each cup


Get the cup out. The cup needs to be as tall as a stuffie, not like the giant ones though. Pour the milk into the cup and put all of the ice cream in. Blend it with a blender for 10 minutes. Put Oreos in and stir it with a spoon. Pour the milkshakes into more cups and put the whip cream on the top. Then it's ready to eat.

Katherine's Tomato Soup

By Katherine Severson: Age 5


4 big tomatoes

3 green peppers

4 gallons of milk

Little bit of salt


Get a big bowl out, put the tomatoes in and mush them all together. Put the milk in the bowl and mix it up really fast. Cut the peppers in half and put them in the bowl. Pour everything into the pot and put it on the stove. The stove needs to be at the 5 so it doesn't boil over, that could get too very hot. Cook it on the stove for 4 minutes. Put the soup in little bowls and eat it with a spoon. You can add a little bit of salt on the top.

Riley's Hot Dogs

By Riley Baldwin: Age 5


6 hot dog buns

Half of mayonnaise

70 slices of orange cheese

4 hot dogs


Cook the hot dogs on the barbecue and then in the stove, that's how I cook them. It should be one more than super hot. Cook them for 6 minutes on the stove and 4 minutes on the barbecue. Put the hot dog in the bun and put mayonnaise on them. Then you can put the cheese on them. Eat it, eat it, eat it! Then you can make another one and another one and another one!

Mayson's Cheese Pizza

By Mayson Mee: Age 5


10 pieces of pepperoni

11 olives

5 corns

65 spoons of sauce

Pepperoni cheese, it's my favorite cheese in the whole world

67 mushrooms

760 doughs


Take the dough and swirl it around in the air. Then put the sauce on the dough and all of the stuff. Put all the stuff on with a saucy spoon and make sure you wear gloves in case your hands are gross. Put the pizza in the oven for 10 minutes at 10 hots. That will take a while. Add 5 minutes, that's a good idea. Take it out of the oven and eat it after it cools down. Eat this with cookie dough and meatballs.

Clara's Pumpkin Pie

By Clara Browitt: Age 6


1 scoop of sugar

2 pans of milk

1 cream

2 pumpkin pie stuff


First put the milk in bowl and after that put the sugar in bowl and mix it all together slowly. Mix the cream into the bowl with pumpkin pie stuff. Put everything into a flat thing and spread it all out. Put it all in the oven. The oven needs to be kinda hot. Let it cook for 7 minutes. Take it out and make sure it's not too creamy. After that, let it cool off and eat it!

Sterling's Mushroom Soup

By Sterling Weimer: Age


11 mushrooms

5 carrots

3 pieces pepperoni

10 cups of water

2 shakes pepper

6 broccoli's


Cut up the vegetables in half. Use a sharp knife. Put it all in the pan. Cut up the pepperoni and put that in the pan. Add all the water. Cook it on the stove. The stove needs to be very hot. Cook the soup for 30 minutes and when it is done let it cool down. Serve it in bowls and eat it in 30 minutes because it will still cool down when you eat.