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Snow storm drops inches in Pomeroy

POMEROY–Garfield County was hit with a thundersnow storm January 9, 2024, during the early evening hours, followed by blowing winds with chill factors as low as 5° Fahrenheit.

The community has not faced a snow storm containing lightning referred to as "thundersnow" like what occurred Tuesday night, since 1983, according to Sam Jennings, who experienced it plowing back to Pomeroy from Central Ferry near Zumwalt.

Many people revved up their snowblowers and started to clear sidewalks and driveways. One such person was Gunner Magill for hire.

The County crew were out in force clearing roads of as much as six inches of snow and drifts of more. Shortly after the thundersnow storm, the region was exposed to overnight sub-zero temperatures of -15° and zero daytime temps locally.

East Washingtonian reporter Naomi Scoggin reported of blowing snow, frigid temperatures, frozen water troughs, and extra farm duty following this week's winter siege.

"Last Tuesday evening it was blowing hard and began to snow," said East Washingtonian's Scoggin. "There were some reports of thunder and lightning.

"I did not experience that, although there was a sound like a blowing transformer during the city meeting," Scoggin said.

"Temperatures dropped to -11° at my house in the Blue Mountains by Thursday, and we got several inches of snow," Scoggin continued. "We've been taking water to our animals by buckets since anything left outside freezes, including several of our ponds.

"Pomeroy had similar temperatures over the week. I heard some reports as low as -14° in the north of the county. The roads have been decent, the cold gives pretty good traction for driving," reported Scoggin.