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Guest Commentary

Opinion writer cogitates on ethics of expressing one's opinion

By Eric McKeirnan

Special to the East Washingtonian

Maybe one half of the things that I submit, make it to the pages you are holding in your hands. The paper's edition dated, Feb. 22 ran a piece of how to arouse awareness politically and how to pull lefties back into the life raft.

The editor attempts to persuade me to believe that my dictionary holds the magic words that can deflect hatred. I kinda wish she would show me which words those are, and exactly how those words are to be lined up? Eggs in Pomeroy are over $8 a dozen. Compare that price to what we paid in the Trump era. Today I read that a shopping cart was the most expensive vehicle to operate in 2023.

I don't want to be a Trump salesman. If someone is stupid to a point that they are oblivious to the differences between the leadership today versus what we had under Trump, well heck, neither word nor any grouping of words will change their mind.

In a piece that was not selected for publication, I mentioned jokingly, that I missed the letters from the left. Nothing brings a chuckle like lefties defending unsharpened ideas. My words were "poking the skunk" to get them busy explaining "Bidenomics" and how we are better for it. I should have been careful what I wished for.

In that same edition of the paper, a letter from the left made page two. A woman (from E. Washington it appears) pleads to send recourses to aid terrorism in Gaza. Recently I heard that the body of a dead female Israeli was recovered and examined. Sixty-five different semen samples were inside her. It is not to say that she was raped 65 times, rather that no less than 65 different Democrats (by extension) raped her, repeatedly, most likely. Breasts were severed off other females and tossed around like play things. In what world is this human?

Getting back to the author of the letter to the editor from the left in the Feb. 22 issue. Here we have a female (I presume, and she probably has purple hair, tattoos and body piercing galore) calling for support of terrorism by purposing military assets to relieve murderous criminals. It's too bad there are no humanitarian organizations already. If the words in her letter reflect the brains in her head, she ought to be in the U. S. House of Representatives with Omar and Talaib.

Jews are the souls that God loves most and when liberals cry out for a cease fire, they have forgotten who called down the thunder. Islamic terrorists attacked innocent and unarmed festival goers. I hope that Israel can cleanse itsef of the Islamic infection. We are all sinners, but democrats wear it as a badge.

To get an idea of what I am expected to do with words, let me leave you with this. In 1860 there lived a democrat named Valentine Taley of Missouri. He vowed never to shave again if Republican Abraham Lincoln was elected President. Tapley died in 1910 with a 12-foot 6-inch beard. Didn't Alec Baldwin vow to leave the United States if Donald Trump was elected? A young woman would be alive if he had. Democrats hated Lincoln far more than Trump. To the point of death in fact. Now contemplate the reasons why we don't see a lot of democrats on Mt. Rushmore. Oh, and if you have not yet seen the Rushmore monument, I urge you to do so before liberals are allowed to destroy it.

Eric E. McKeirnan