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Pomeroy Gun Club Troy-Deary shoot

POMEROY–Several members of Pomeroy Gun Club ventured to Troy-Deary Gun Club over the Fourth of July Weekend for their annual shoot and managed to shoot some good scores while maintaining Social Distancing.

On Saturday, Holly Ledgerwood lead the local contingent with a 97 x 100 in the singles event that won her the Lady II Trophy. Larry Bunch posted a 96 which tied him with Gary Bauer of Colton for Senior Veteran Awards. Bauer wanted to carry the shoot off over to the next day, but Bunch was not returning on Sunday. Bunch forfeited the honors to Bauer. Robert Des Jardin registered a 94 in the Senior Vet Category while Fred Zack posted a 92.

Bunch posted a 92 in Handicap, Zack had a 91, and Des Jardin posted a 90.

On Sunday, Ledgerwood had a 94 in Singles which tied her for Lady II, but she did not stay for the shoot off and forfeited the Trophy. Des Jardin posted a 96 in singles. In Handicap Zack and Des Jardin both posted 87s.

Bunch travelled to Coulee City for a shoot on Sunday and posted a 93 in singles and an 86 and 87 in the 200 Doubles they threw.

It has been a challenge this year, due to COVID restriction, to hold shoots, but with some innovation, it is workable. “Many shoots have been cancelled around the Northwest due to COVID 19.” said Bunch, “Clubs have figured out how to accommodate 50 shooters or less by having lots of seating outside and by limiting how many people can be in the Clubhouse at one time.” Social distancing is difficult at times but shooters are doing a good job.

The Western Zone shoot will be in Colton this coming weekend, Friday through Sunday July 17-19.