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Pomeroy Pioneer Portraits

Ten Years Ago

September 22, 2010

Lewis-Clark Recyclers, Inc., Lewiston, will take over the county recycling center.

City Council unanimously adopted a new nuisance ordinance regarding unkempt vegetation, old furniture and inoperable vehicles.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

September 27, 1995

Pomeroy School District will ask voters to approve a $3.6 million 20-year bond for improvements at the elementary and high schools.

For now, county residents will continue to use dumpsters at the landfill site on Bell Plain Road while options are explored.

Fifty Years Ago

September 24, 1970

Resa Burns had a remarkable display of 38 different breeds of chickens at the Fair. Many of the breeds were quite unusual and drew the interest of old and young alike. Over 600 persons turned out for the fair breakfast Saturday morning.

Joining in the Calam Temple Annual Food Drive, Pomeroy Shriners helped deliver the equivalent of 90,000 pounds of food and supplies to the Shrine Crippled Children’s Hospital in Spokane.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

September 20, 1945

Garfield County took a long stride forward toward the ultimate goal of the construction of a $60,000 county hospital when voters in a special election cast ballots almost ten to one–813 yes to 83 no–for the creation of a public hospital district.

Showers accompanied by a brisk wind that began falling just about parade time Saturday morning all but “drowned” out the Harvest Festival and Fair parade, much to the disgust of everyone concerned, including the large crowd that had gathered to witness it. The livestock and home economic displays were exceptionally good and the dance Friday evening was one of the largest held here in many a day. The boxing matches between troops from Pendleton and Spokane army air bases drew a fine crowd, more than $750 having been taken in at the cashier’s booth.

Pomeroy High School teacher and FFA advisor Clint Wiswall states, “My advice to anyone wanting an interesting trip to Chicago is just take along 4 or 5 boys and I’ll guarantee you they will make a three-weeks trip pass very rapidly for you.” Boys making the trip with Mr. Wiswall were Robert Dye, Bob McKeirnan, Lee Flerchinger and Troy Ledgerwood.

One Hundred Years Ago

September 25, 1920

Pomeroy schools, in their second week of the fall term, reached a combined enrollment of 442, far greater than ever before in the history of the city. An even 300 pupils have been entered in the grades and 142 in the high-school classes.

Five thousand lambs were shipped from Dodge siding last week to Chicago. A thousand came from the herd of Charles Dodge, 1,300 furnished by J.B. Kimble and the rest by Lee Halsey of Asotin.

While most of the touring parties that have registered at the auto park this month left expressions of pleasure and appreciation for the accommodations, one traveler said, “While your town is not noted for chicken raising, I noticed a few fowls on the streets in the downtown district.” Another commented, “Had punk roads from Lewiston to Pomeroy. No telling what we will hit next.”

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

September 21, 1895

Grant Hoffman is getting around after two weeks confinement with fever. Grant lost several pounds, and looks rather thin, but he has a large and thrifty appetite, and will probably soon be “making the welkin ring” at pounding iron again.

Prof. Fertig, principal of the Pomeroy school, arrived on Monday’s train. School will open promptly at 9 o’clock on the morning of Sept. 30th. All who intend to send to school should arrange to start their children in at the beginning. It is better for both pupils and teacher.

A ten-pound son was born to the wife of W. Niebel, Saturday, Sept. 7.

H.B. Howard and wife, the spiritualists who gave a performance in Pomeroy some three or four years ago, arrived here on the Lewiston stage last Monday. They registered at the hotel and engaged Seeley’s opera house for two nights. Tuesday morning Tom Burlingame received a request from the manager of the Lewiston opera house, to collect ten dollars from the pair which they failed to liquidate before leaving that city. Howard dodged the collector and slid out of town.